
  • Unlocking Doors.

    "Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before."

    A smile beams from my face every time the clock strikes midnight. Another day has come and gone with no regrets. I've somehow learned to make every day a good day. This rare quality is something that will stay in my possession for the rest of my life. I've surrounded myself around kind people. Here and now, I stand next to a pessimistic person. A goal of mine is to tell people that things can get worse before they get better. However, I do not stick around pessimistic people. I believe in happiness. 

    Love yourself. Love family. Love friends. Love your passions. Love unpredictability. 

    I love all of these things. I am living strong and daring to dream each and every single day. I have had so many successful moments in 2011. There were downfalls, but I have moved past them. My future is in good hands. I can finally say that I know who I am. I know what I want. I am going to get what I want because it is possible. I don't know where I'll end up ten years from now, but I know I'll be okay.

    Never choose to keep a door locked... because if you do, you didn't see what you could have succeeded in.

  • Go Get It.

    "You want something, go get it. Period."

    I don't understand why some people let themselves become discouraged. You can't be given what you want every time. Sometimes, it requires your ambition and determination to claim something. It can be something within range, or out of reach. Whatever it is, you are capable of getting it. Working for it is necessary and so is patience. Some things take longer than others. This is a realization you have to make before you go get it. If you realize how long it will take while going after it, chances are you may surrender. It is critical to know before you start.

    Otherwise, good luck getting that something. Go get it.

  • Believe In Yourself.

    "You have to believe in yourself when no one else does; that makes you a winner right there."

    Life is not short. It is the longest experience you will ever have. No matter where you are in this world, make something of yourself. Make a name for yourself. Set small goals and big goals. Sooner or later, you will accomplish them. Sometimes you will fail before you succeed. That is how life works and you have to be able to accept that instead of breaking down. Why waste time being pessimistic? It is probably the worst habit. It does not help you in any way. Being optimistic is the way to go. It is okay to be upset, angry, hurt at times but you can't let things steer you in the wrong direction. No one knows yourself more than you do. Do what makes you happy. Good things happen to good people. Timing is different for everyone. Comparisons are a waste of time. You will live a healthy, happy life if you focus on yourself solely. 

    When no one else believes in you, it is time to prove the world wrong. You must trust yourself first. 

    Turn your dreams into reality. Go!